Json Schema高性能.net实现库 LateApexEarlySpeed.Json.Schema

Json Schema高性能.net实现库 LateApexEarlySpeed.Json.Schema LateApexEarlySpeed. LateApexEarlySpeed Schema Speed. Early Json. Json .net Late

LateApexEarlySpeed.Json.Schema - Json schema validator generation from .net type

除了用户手动传入标准的json schema来生成validator以外,LateApexEarlySpeed.Json.Schema 实现库也支持直接从用户代码中生成json schema validator.


JsonValidator validator = JsonSchemaGenerator.GenerateJsonValidator<TestClass>();

// Now use validator instance as normal


Numeric types: byte, sbyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, decimal.

Boolean, String, Dictionary<string,TAny>, JsonElement, JsonDocument, JsonNode, JsonValue, JsonArray, JsonObject, generic type of IEnumerable, Enum, Guid, Uri, DateTimeOffset, DateTime, Nullable value type (generic type of Nullable), Custom object.

目前为止支持的validation attributes


  • EmailAttribute
  • ExclusiveMaximumAttribute
  • ExclusiveMinimumAttribute
  • MaximumAttribute
  • MinimumAttribute
  • MultipleOfAttribute
  • StringEnumAttribute
  • IntegerEnumAttribute
  • IPv4Attribute
  • IPv6Attribute
  • LengthRangeAttribute (for both string length and array length)
  • MaxLengthAttribute (for both string length and array length)
  • MinLengthAttribute (for both string length and array length)
  • UniqueItemsAttribute (for array)
  • NumberRangeAttribute
  • PatternAttribute (for string)


class TestClass
    public int Prop { get; set; }

    [LengthRange(10, 20)]
    public string StringProp { get; set; }



Required or ignored




library为这种需求设计为复用.net core默认自带的attribute,是为了尽可能让用户代码有一致体验。


和System.Text.Json类似, library支持通过attribute和option来提供用户定义的属性名称:


class CustomNamedPropertyTestClass
        public int Prop { get; set; }

JsonSchemaNamingPolicy options:

  • JsonSchemaNamingPolicy.CamelCase:
    First word starts with a lower case character. Successive words start with an uppercase character. TempCelsius => tempCelsius

  • JsonSchemaNamingPolicy.KebabCaseLower: Words are separated by hyphens. All characters are lowercase. TempCelsius -> temp-celsius

  • JsonSchemaNamingPolicy.KebabCaseUpper: Words are separated by hyphens. All characters are uppercase. TempCelsius => TEMP-CELSIUS

  • JsonSchemaNamingPolicy.SnakeCaseLower: Words are separated by underscores. All characters are lowercase. TempCelsius -> temp_celsius

  • JsonSchemaNamingPolicy.SnakeCaseUpper: Words are separated by underscores. All characters are uppercase. TempCelsius -> TEMP_CELSIUS

  • JsonSchemaNamingPolicy.SharedDefault: default option, not change original property name

  • 也可以写自己需要的其他JsonSchemaNamingPolicy:

internal class YourNamingPolicy : JsonSchemaNamingPolicy
    public override string ConvertName(string name)
        // convert and return new name.

用option来自定义property naming policy:

JsonValidator validator = JsonSchemaGenerator.GenerateJsonValidator(type, new JsonSchemaGeneratorOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonSchemaNamingPolicy.CamelCase }));

Note: 当对某类属性指定了 JsonPropertyNameAttribute,同时又在option中指定了自定义 PropertyNamingPolicy, 则那个属性将使用JsonPropertyNameAttribute,其他属性将使用option.

Issue report

使用中遇到任何问题,或者希望增加的功能,欢迎提到repo issue中。
