
BLOG-2-题目集4 5 6以及期中考试总结性blog 以及期中考试总结性 BLOG- blog BLOG 题目集


(2) 设计与分析:




桌子类:table_number: 桌号orders: 已点菜品列表

用户类:name: 用户名,pay用户需付价格

菜品记录类:order_number: 序号items: 已点菜品列表








Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot load from object array because "cou.stu" is null at Main.Match( at Main.main(在main函数中对类的声明后没有初始化便开始调用,使得指针尝试将值存储到一个空对象数组时出错,为了避免此类情况的发生,对于对象类数组的调用一定要先确保其已经被正确初始化并分配了足够的空间。








import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
public class Main{
    public static class Dish
        String name;//菜品名称
        int level=-1;
        int kind=-1;
        int unit_price; //单价

        String[][] tastes = {
                {"不辣","微辣","稍辣", "", "很辣", "爆辣"},
        String[] tastprint={"spicy","acidity","sweetness"};
        int getPrice(int portion)
            int x=0;
            double temp=1;
            double prise=0;
            else if(portion==3)
            return x;
        //计算菜品价格的方法,输入参数是点菜的份额(输入数据只能是1/2/3,代表小//大份) }
    public static class Menu {
        Dish[] dishs=new Dish[10];//菜品数组,保存所有菜品信息
        int count  = 0;
        Dish searthDish(String dishName)//根据菜名在菜谱中查找菜品信息,返回Dish对象。
            for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
                if(dishs[i].name!=null) {
                    if(dishs[i].name.equals(dishName)) {
                        return dishs[i];
            //   System.out.print(dishName+" does not exist\n");
            return null;
        int searthdish(String dishName)//根据菜名在菜谱中查找菜品信息,返回Dish对象。
            for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
                if(dishs[i].name!=null) {
                    if(dishs[i].name.equals(dishName)) {
                        return i;
            //   System.out.print(dishName+" does not exist\n");
            return -6;
        void addDish(String[] word)//添加一道菜品信息
            int unit_price=0;String dishName;

            if (this.dishs[count] == null)
                this.dishs[count] = new Dish();
                {System.out.print("wrong format\n");

            if (count > 1)
                int i = searthdish(dishName);
                if (i != -6)
                    this.dishs[i].name = dishName;
                    this.dishs[i].unit_price = unit_price;
                else {
                    this.dishs[count].name = dishName;
                    this.dishs[count].unit_price = unit_price;
                    switch (word[1]) {
                        case "川菜":
                        case "晋菜" :
                        case "浙菜":

                this.dishs[count].name = dishName;
                this.dishs[count].unit_price = unit_price;
                switch (word[1]) {
                    case "川菜":
                    case "晋菜" :
                    case "浙菜":


    public static class Record {

        int orderNum;//序号
        int orderX=0;//订单份数
        Dish d;//菜品\\
        int replace=0;
        int replaced=0;
        int portion=0;//份额(1/2/3代表小*1/*1.5/大份*2\\

        int getPrice()//计价,计算本条记录的价格\\
            int ds=d.getPrice(portion);
            return ds;

    public static  class User
        String name,tele;

        int pay=0;


    public static class Order {

        User user=new User();
        Record[] records=new Record[50];//保存订单上每一道的记录
        int ordercount=0;
        int temp=0;
        int[] time=new int[8];
        int[]  taste={0,0,0};
        int[]  tastecount={0,0,0};

        int getTotalPrice(int i)//计算订单的总价
            int price=0;
            return price;

        void addARecord(int judge,int orderNum,String dishName,int portion,int num,int tense,Menu menu)//添加一条菜品信息到订单中。
            {this.records[this.ordercount]=new Record();}


            if (menu.searthDish(dishName)!= null)
                if (this.records[this.ordercount].replace!= 0)//代点菜
                    this.records[this.ordercount].d = new Dish();
                    this.records[this.ordercount].d =menu.searthDish(dishName);

                    if(this.records[this.ordercount].d.kind!=-1) {
                            System.out.print(this.records[this.ordercount].d.tastprint[this.records[this.ordercount].d.kind]+" num out of range : "+tense+"\n");
                            System.out.print(orderNum + " table " + (this.time[0]) + " pay for table " + this.records[this.ordercount].replace+ " " + this.records[this.ordercount].getPrice() * this.records[this.ordercount].orderX + "\n");

                        System.out.print(orderNum + " table " + (this.time[0]) + " pay for table " + this.records[this.ordercount].replace + " " + this.records[this.ordercount].getPrice() * this.records[this.ordercount].orderX + "\n");
                    this.records[this.ordercount].d = new Dish();

                    if(this.records[this.ordercount].d.kind!=-1) {
                            System.out.print(this.records[this.ordercount].d.tastprint[this.records[this.ordercount].d.kind]+" num out of range :"+tense+"\n");

                         //   System.out.print("   "+this.taste[this.records[this.ordercount].d.kind]+"   "+this.records[this.ordercount].orderX+"\n\n");
                            System.out.print(this.records[this.ordercount].orderNum + " " + this.records[this.ordercount] + " " + this.records[this.ordercount].getPrice() * this.records[this.ordercount].orderX + "\n");

                        System.out.print(this.records[this.ordercount].orderNum + " " + this.records[this.ordercount] + " " + this.records[this.ordercount].getPrice() * this.records[this.ordercount].orderX + "\n");

            else if (menu.searthDish(dishName) == null)
                System.out.print(dishName + " does not exist\n");

        void delARecordByOrderNum(int orderNum,Menu menu)//根据序号删除一条记录
                if(records[orderNum].d!=null) {
                    if (menu.searthDish(records[orderNum] != null) {
                        records[orderNum].orderX = 0;
                    System.out.print("delete error;\n");
                System.out.print("delete error;\n");

        int addtable(String str,long[] num)
            for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                if (j == 1)
                    this.time[j+1] =(int)num[j+1];
                    this.time[j] =(int)num[j];
            String[] word=str.split("\\s+");

            {System.out.print("wrong format\n");
                return 0;}
            if (judgetime(this.time,(int)num[0])==0) {
                System.out.print("table " + num[0]+ " out of opening hours\n");
                return 0;
                System.out.print("table " + num[0] + ": \n");
                return 1;

    public static int Match(String x)
        int num=99;
        String regex1="\\S{1,10} \\d{1,2}$";

        String regex11="\\S{1,10} \\p{IsHan}{1,10} \\d{1,2} T$";

        String regex2="table \\d{1} : [a-z]{1,10} \\d{1,11} \\d{4}/\\d{1,2}/\\d{1,2} \\d{1,2}/\\d{1,2}/\\d{1,2}$";

        String regex3="\\d{1} \\S{1,10} [1-3] \\d{1,2}$";//zz普通菜
        String regex4="\\d{1} \\d{1} \\S{1,10} [1-3] \\d{1,2}$";//dd普通菜

        String regex31="\\d{1} \\S{1,10} \\d{1} [1-3] \\d{1,2}$";//zz特色菜
        String regex41="\\d{1} \\d{1,2} \\S{1,10} \\d{1} [1-3] \\d{1,2}$";//dd特色菜

        String regex32="\\d{1,2} \\S{1,10} \\d{1} [1-3] \\d{1,2}$";//zz
        String regex42="\\d{1,2} \\d{1,2} \\S{1,10} \\d{1} [1-3] \\d{1,2}$";//dd

        String regex5="\\d{1} delete$";

        Pattern pattern1=Pattern.compile(regex1);
        Pattern pattern11=Pattern.compile(regex11);//T
        Pattern pattern2=Pattern.compile(regex2);
        Pattern pattern3=Pattern.compile(regex3);
        Pattern pattern4=Pattern.compile(regex4);
        Pattern pattern31=Pattern.compile(regex31);
        Pattern pattern41=Pattern.compile(regex41);
        Pattern pattern32=Pattern.compile(regex32);
        Pattern pattern42=Pattern.compile(regex42);

        Pattern pattern5=Pattern.compile(regex5);

        Matcher matcher1=pattern1.matcher(x);
        Matcher matcher11=pattern11.matcher(x);//T
        Matcher matcher2=pattern2.matcher(x);
        Matcher matcher3=pattern3.matcher(x);
        Matcher matcher4=pattern4.matcher(x);
        Matcher matcher5=pattern5.matcher(x);
        Matcher matcher31=pattern31.matcher(x);
        Matcher matcher41=pattern41.matcher(x);

            num=0;}//麻婆豆腐 12
        else if(matcher2.matches())
        else if(matcher3.matches())
            num=2;}//3 麻辣鸡丝 1 2
        else if(matcher4.matches())
            num=3;}//1 4 麻婆豆腐 1 1代付菜
        else if(matcher5.matches())
            num=4;}//1 delete
        else if(matcher11.matches())
        else if(matcher31.matches())
        else if(matcher41.matches())
        return num;

    public  static double judgetime(int[] time,int table)
        double n=0;
        double temp=0;
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        int weekday = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
        //17:00-20:30   61200-73800
        //10:30-14:30   37800-52200
            if (n>=37800&&n<=52200)
            else if(n>=61200&&n<=73800)
        //9:30-21:30    34200-77400
        else if(weekday==1||weekday==7)
            if (n>=34200&&n<=77400)
        return temp;
    public static boolean isTimeInRange(LocalDateTime time, LocalTime startTime, LocalTime endTime) {
        LocalTime givenTime = time.toLocalTime();
        return givenTime.isAfter(startTime) && givenTime.isBefore(endTime);
    public static double discountnum(Order order,double judge,int num)
        double dis=0;
            else if(judge==1)
        return dis;

    例如:麻婆豆腐 川菜 9 T
    周一至周五 7折, 周末全价。
    public static void dishout(Order order)
        Dish dish=new Dish();
        int aver=0;


//System.out.print(" \n\ntaste"+order.taste[0]+"    count"+order.tastecount[0]+"  aver"+aver+"\n\n");
            System.out.print(" 川菜 "+order.tastecount[0]+" "+dish.tastes[0][aver]);

            System.out.print(" 晋菜 "+order.tastecount[1]+" "+dish.tastes[1][aver]);
            System.out.print(" 浙菜 "+order.tastecount[2]+" "+dish.tastes[2][aver]);
            System.out.print(" ");

    public static void userout(Order[] order,int[] tablex,double[] price, int x)
        User[] users=new User[20];
        int count=0;
        int judge=0;
        String[] word=new String[20];

        for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
            if (count == 0)
                for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
                    if (order[tablex[i]][j])) {
                if (judge == 0) {
                } else if (judge == 1) {
                    judge = 0;
        //  Arrays.sort(word);
        Arrays.sort(word, Comparator.nullsLast(Comparator.naturalOrder()));
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            {users[i]=new User();}

            for (int j = 0; j < x; j++)


        for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
            System.out.print(users[i].name+" "+users[i].tele+" "+users[i].pay);


    public static void main(String[] args)
        Order[] order=new Order[20];
        Menu menu=new Menu();
        User[]  user=new User[20];
        Scanner scan=new Scanner(;

        String regexf="\\p{IsHan}{1,10}";
        String regexn="\\d{1,12}";
        Pattern patternf=Pattern.compile(regexf);
        Pattern patternx=Pattern.compile(regexn);

        String str;//输入数据存储
        String dishname = null;

        int n=0;//判断输入格式返回值
        int table=0;//桌号计数
        long[] num=new long[9];//临时点菜存储数据
        int[] tablex=new int[10];
        int[][] delet=new int[10][2];
        int del=0;//删除单号数据

        int[] price=new int[10];//总价存储数组
        double[] disprice=new double[10];
        double dis=0,dis1=0;

                for(int i=0;i<table;i++)
                    if (dis1!=0)//输出价格
                        for (int j = 0; j < order[tablex[i]].ordercount; j++) {
                        System.out.print("table "+(tablex[i])+": "+price[i]+" "+Math.round(disprice[i]));
                        System.out.print("table "+(tablex[i])+" out of opening hours\n");

                Matcher matcher1 = patternf.matcher(str);
                Matcher matcher2 = patternx.matcher(str);

                String[] word=str.split("\\s+");
                n = Match(str);
                if (word[0].matches("\\p{IsHan}{1,10}"))
                else if(n==1)//桌号与时间
                    int i = 0;
                    while (matcher2.find())
                        num[i] = Long.parseLong(;
                    if (order[tablex[table]] == null||order[tablex[table]].user==null)
                        order[tablex[table]] = new Order();
                        order[tablex[table]].user=new User();

                else if(n == 2 || n == 31)//点菜
                    int s = 0;

                    while (matcher1.find()) {
                        dishname =;
                    while (matcher2.find()) {
                        num[s] = Integer.parseInt(;
                        s++;        }

                        order[tablex[table-1]].addARecord(0,(int)num[0], dishname, (int)num[1], (int) num[2],-1, menu);
                        order[tablex[table-1]].addARecord(0,(int)num[0], dishname, (int)num[2], (int) num[3], (int)num[1], menu);
                else if (n == 3 || n == 41) //代付菜

                    while (matcher1.find()) {
                        dishname =;
                    int r = 0;
                    while (matcher2.find()) {
                        num[r] = Integer.parseInt(;
                        order[tablex[table-1]].addARecord(0,(int)num[0], dishname, (int)num[1], (int) num[2],-1, menu);
                        order[tablex[table-1]].addARecord(0,(int)num[0], dishname, (int)num[2], (int) num[3], (int)num[1], menu);
                else if (n == 4)//删除
                    while (matcher2.find())
                        delet[del][1] = Integer.parseInt(;
                        delet[del][0] = table;
                    order[tablex[table-1]].delARecordByOrderNum(delet[del-1][1], menu);

            }//end else


